
Sunrise over GEORG

Our thoughts are with all the people in the world who are enduring particularly difficult suffering these days. The sunrise this morning reminds us never to give up hope for a better world, but also to remember our own responsibility for what we can do for a more peaceful and just world.


Children at GEORG

Our focus is not only on our employees, but also on our young visitors! We strive to create a family-friendly environment in which children are very welcome. Whether at special events or in our premises such as our parent-child office - even the little ones feel at home with us.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Onboarding new employees

We are pleased to announce another "newcomer": Stefan Buch will "inherit" our long-standing Head of Purchasing, who will be taking his well-deserved retirement this year. Vera Moser is joining our HR team and will support with new energy

We wish you both a good start in the GEORG family.

Working at GEORG

BA degree R. Pankratz (dual student)

Young talent made by GEORG: We are delighted with our dual student Reinmar Pankratz, who has achieved a great Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. Hats off, not only for the great grades, but also for the practically relevant results of his bachelor's thesis. We can implement these directly in the machine development of our transformer lines.

We congratulate you on your excellent degree and are delighted that we will be able to actively support you during your Master's degree.

Working at GEORG
GEORG experience